A new comedy drama called Ludwig will premiere on BBC One at 9pm, featuring David Mitchell in the lead role. The show follows reclusive puzzle-setter John “Ludwig” Taylor as he impersonates his detective twin brother and gets embroiled in a murder investigation. Meanwhile, Channel 4 will air Phil Harrison’s documentary 999: On the Front Line at 8pm, highlighting the challenges faced by paramedics in the West Midlands ambulance service. U&Drama will showcase The Chelsea Detective, a dark drama set in London, followed by BBC Two’s intense documentary Parole, delving into the process of reintegrating violent prisoners into society.
For those interested in property and architecture, the popular show Grand Designs will return on Channel 4 at 9pm, featuring a challenging project in an exposed Yorkshire headland. Additionally, U&W will air Searching for Satoshi, a documentary exploring the mysterious disappearance of the Bitcoin creator and the implications of cryptocurrency.
In sports, Sky Sports Main Event will broadcast a third-round English League Cup football match between Liverpool and West Ham at Anfield at 7pm. Viewers can expect an action-packed evening of entertainment across various genres on UK television channels.
Photo credit www.theguardian.com